Happy Treats @ Pareidolia Brewing Co.
by Pete

Chicken Korma
by Soiree Kitchen To Table

Why Didn't You Make Me A Plate?
by Vickie Johnston

Pulled Pork, Black Beans And Buttered Peas
by Stacy Cook

Ahi Napolean
by The Patio

Flank Steak Stir Fry
by Mary Catherine

Breakfast Browns With Thyme
by Stacy Cook

The Perfect Snack
by Rebecca G.

Chicken & Waffles
by Soiree Kitchen To Table

"short" Ribs
by Andrea Brown

Sweet Bay Scallops And Crispy Parsnips
by Soiree Kitchen To Table

Quinoa And Chicken Burger Hummis Salad
by Rebecca Rigaud